Color from Spring to Fall

Get your Auburn Azaleas at the AU Davis Arboretum's spring and Fall plant sales!
Because this is Auburn.
The mission of Auburn University's Davis Arboretum is to display and preserve living plant collections and native southeastern plant communities in order to inspire an understanding of the natural world and our connection to it,
The deciduous azaleas in the Auburn Azalea Series have been bred and selected for over 40 years to bring a rainbow of color to the garden through much of the year.
During and between bloom times these plants perform the ecological services native plants are known for: feeding pollinators and herbivores, providing shelter, sequestering carbon, even decreasing energy from stormwater run off.
Growing these azaleas helps us teach students about nature, conserve rare plant species, and provide Auburn students with a living breathing classroom in the middle of Auburn's campus.

Unique beauties created and selected by Alabama's native gardeners.
Our Story
The Auburn Azaleas are the result of more than thirty years of breeding and trials brought to you by Auburn University's Davis Arboretum. American gardeners can enjoy the hardiness and long bloom season of our native azaleas, combined with the beauty of the world's best horticultural selections.