Where and When to get Auburn Azaleas
The right to propagate and distribute Auburn Azaleas Series (TM) was generously given to Auburn University's Donald E. Davis Arboretum by the group of breeders and gardeners that invested decades of blood, sweat, tears, and dollars into making it what it is today. Their intention was for the azaleas to be an attraction and a funding source for the garden for years to come. By purchasing plants from the approved outlets below you ensure The Arboretum will be able to continue to be a public resource that continues to offer free programs for thousands of individuals annually.

Arboretum Plant Sales
101 Garden Drive Auburn Alabama
Spring Plant Sale
Plants on the ground April every year
Fall Plant Sale
Pre order only allows us to offer a wide variety of native woody plants and perrenials. Details available at
Lazy K Nursery
Maple Valley Growers
For information on becoming a registered retail outlet:
contact AU Davis Arboretum arbinfo@auburn.edu

Liners for Nurseries
Contract grown only
For information on becoming a registered grower:
contact AU Davis Arboretum arbinfo@auburn.edu